In 2005, when I started my collection of Vitra miniatures I got myself informed with price lists of the Vitra Design Museum published in the years 2003 to 2005. I knew that the Vitra Design Museum had started the production of miniatures in 1992 already. As no documents were available that listed the miniatures produced till then, I was uneasy about what was expecting me. How many miniatures do really exist and above all what were the prices until 2003?
Therefore, I tried to find the missing price and type lists of the years 1992 to 2002. This required patience and time. In nearly five years I brought together all missing price and type lists and then had reliable information about any miniature offered by the Vitra Design Museum till then. It was a real adventure. A collector known to me gave me some old price lists. The Vitra Design Museum itself also helped me a great deal. They provided me with three other lists I still was searching for. Then, there were only the price lists of 1994, 1995, and 1998 missing. It was as if they had vanished off the face of the earth.
In the beginning of 2010, I wrote a catalogue of the miniatures collection from 1992 to date to convert the many pieces of information into a transparent document. Unfortunately, without the dates of the missing lists.
In 2010, I purchased on eBay a miniature out of production and found a price list of 1998 in the wooden box. What a great surprise! Later – in November 2010 – I came across the selling-off of a whole collection on eBay. In the advertisement, the owner indicated the purchase date of his miniatures with 1994 and stated the prices at that time. This was the reason why I contacted the owner. Anyone who is able to give as exact information certainly has documents of that time on hand. A few e-mails later, I could call type lists of 1994 and the last missing price list of 1995 my own.
I analysed those already „historical“ lists and then wrote a second revised edition of the catalogue of the miniatures collection from 1992 to date.
The then complete catalogue – as per January 2022 – informs on all miniatures offered by the Vitra Design Museum. All in all 136 different miniatures had been manufactured until then.